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Search Results for "Cory Doctorow - The Internet of Things That Do What You Tell Them"
Cory Doctorow - The Internet of Things That Do What You Tell Them
Cory Doctorow | An Internet of Things That Do As They're Told
The Internet Isn’t What We Fight FOR, It’s What We Fight WITH, with Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow & Tim O’Reilly Discuss Security and Privacy in The Internet of Things
How to break the Internet: Cory Doctorow at TEDxOxbridge
What do you get when you mix metaphors and computers? Cory Doctorow explains
Cory Doctorow: „How to break the Internet, destroy democracy and enslave the human race (or not)"
Cory Doctorow on how we'll get beyond the piracy debate
Cory Doctorow on safety and privacy on the internet
Science fiction for a dystopian present | Cory Doctorow full interview
Cory Doctorow on the early days of the internet
Cory Doctorow: How Stupid Laws & Benevolent Dictators can Ruin the Decentralized Web, too